Youth Connect

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I Am Youth Connect (IYC) is a life skills project that has supported over 1000 youths around Uganda through education and talent development.

The IYC Skills program has been initiated in a bid to address the unemployment challenge as well as provide free life skills to youths that will empower them to either become job creators rather than seekers or at least have a ‘side’ project to supplement their incomes. The IYC skills program is free and open to educated or uneducated youths aged between 10 – 20 years.


Empower communities, develop talent and create opportunities

OUR Process


IYC will utilize positive peer influence to generate youth’s interest in different skills ranging from agriculture to hairdressing among other skills. Peers that have excelled in the various skills will be invited to mentor their age-mates on how and why to excel in the skills field.

Start early tactic

IYC program will work with children as young as 10 years such that they can develop an early interest in the various skills and continue with them as they grow up.


IYC will motivate youths through competitions where youths with accomplished projects will compete for a small cash prize as an incentive to encourage them further.

Register; Interested youths will be required to register at I am Family Ministries offices located on Rubaga, Lungujja Kikandwa, Kalema road. Classes will be organized every Saturday from 11:00am to 5:00pm at I Am Family Ministries head quarter offices.


Become A Mentor; IYC welcomes volunteers with a variety of ways to mentor youth. All mentors should bring a sense of passion, some experience and cultural awareness, strong character and maturity, humility and a reverence for all people and a willingness to learn.


We welcome all various organizations, churches and companies around the community in hopes of providing diverse and enriching opportunities for our youths.


Thank you for considering a donation. The support of donors like you helps us provide programs to meet the varying needs of the at-risk youth we serve and to increase the number of youth impacted by our program.

We greatly appreciate all donations. Below are the scholarship options you can use to support us.

Sponsor a Youth – Give $400 towards sponsorship. $400 will sponsor a youth to take 48 classes in a year with skilled mentors to help them become job creators rather than Job seekers.

Sponsor a tutor – A donation of $300 sponsors a tutor per month. The sponsorship supports the tutors to facilitate them with teaching materials and weekly transport.

Give a $1,000 graduation package – When the youths are equipped with skills and are ready to work, our goal is to get them on their way to succeess by providing a kickstart. This is why we have created a one time graduation gift of $1,000 to work as capital for them to start a profitable business.

Impact of Your Donation

• Improved conduct and civic engagement
• Improved advocacy and conflict resolution skills
• Growing relationship with God and emotional maturity
• Expanded vocational knowledge and readiness
• Youth prepared to succeed in top-tier high schools, colleges, jobs, and community service.
• Eventually, mature adults who are equipped to mentor and be role models to the next generation.


Tel: +256 781 504 190 / +256 414 690 064

The different

Skills offered

IYC will offer skills such as; Farming and livestock skills, Film making and Media skills, Art and Craft skills, Music and Sound skills, Hair dressing skills, Catering skills, Sports and Games Skills, We create champions Writing and Reading skills, Entrepreneurship skills, Technology and Mechanics skills.

Agriculture dominates Uganda’s economy employing over 72% of the 13.9 million working population.

Along with climate changes, one of the issues that is challenging optimization of farming as an income generator for the country is the fact that youth engagement in agriculture is very low.

Many youths perceive agriculture as uncool, very long term method that doesn’t generate quick profits and not easy to understand yet there is a lot of untapped potential in agriculture.

The emerging cinema in Uganda is termed as Ugawood or ‘Kinauganda’. In the past, Uganda’s cinema was frowned upon because of substandard work, today however, with the availability of better filming equipment and more experienced film makers, the local cinema is garnering interest and active involvement from the country.

More locally made films are being made and premiered every month, these films depending on their subject matter usually attract sponsorships from NGOs, corporate organizations and Government ministries.

As well, Uganda is a very celebratory country; weddings, birthday parties and other events are held almost every single day.

The common factor for all these events is the desire to preserve memories which role is handled by a photographer and videographer.

In addition to film making skills, IYC will offer media skills such as filming and editing, social media management, photography, TV and radio news reporting.

Based on a workshop organized to launch IYC, almost 70% of the over 300 youth attendees professed an interest in attaining media skills.

IYC seeks to pass on hands on skills to interested youths who want to venture in to this field.

Arts and crafts describe a wide variety of activities involving making things with one’s own hands. Many youths have turned this passion in to an income generating venture.

There are so many things that can be made by hand e.g. bags, necklaces, scarves, drawings, among others.

During the workshop organized to launch IYC, 90% of the attendees showed an interest in arts and crafts. For example, Kirabo Sarah a Senior Two student at Golden Secondary School explained that she has always been interested in art, fashion and design. She promised to use IYC’s opportunity to grow her interest.

IYC will be training youths in the making of dierent types of arts and crafts

“Music from the Heart” or “Made to Make Music” – a vibrant, imaginative, creative and skilled community of budding young musicians and music lovers awakened, inspired and challenged to realize their full potential in music. Encouraged, motivated and guided by a supportive community of passionate and engaged music educators and professionals, these young people will be provided with the love, support, experiences and resources necessary to create and express music from the heart and also to reach their dream goals and professional level.

Hairdressing refers to the creativity to impart and design hairstyles. In Uganda women change hairstyles at least twice a month and often need a skilled hairdresser to do the job.

Beyond just hairdressing, IYC seeks to impart the following skills to potential hairdressers;

• customer service and people skills
• an understanding and tactful approach
• an awareness of fashion and current trends
• willingness to learn new hairdressing techniques and methods

Catering as a skill involves preparation, delivery and presentation of food for clients. The food in question includes local, pastries such as cakes as well as international cuisine.

Caterers have to handle such business matters as accounting, marketing and customer relations, in addition to the quality of the food.

IYC seeks to teach youth these skills to youths such that once they enter the market, they are able to go beyond just preparing food but to also learn how to find customers, how to present themselves to customers as well as how to maintain the profitability of their business.

Sports and games have been the reason behind the success of several men and women in Uganda. For example, a few years ago, Dorcus Inzikuru was virtually unrecognized until she won the She won the inaugural world title in women’s 2005 ‘3000’ m steeplechase, as well as the first Commonwealth title in the event after years of dedicated practice.

Many of these sporting endeavors have been birthed from an early age. Youths do have an interest in organized sport but lack mentors to guide them in making the right choices and the right balances between sports and education.

IYC intends to take up this mentorship role to train youths in sports and games such as football, basketball, kick boxing, among others.

Students in Uganda today do not have a good reading and writing culture which affects their educational performance and transcends in to their career life.

In addition, many students are unable to excel in their classroom work simply because they do not know how to revise without cramming.

IYC intends to introduce the ‘enjoyment’ of reading and writing as well as to mentor students on how best to revise for their examinations.

Skills to be imparted include public speaking, widening vocabulary range, silent reading, among others.

Most people think being an entrepreneur is all about coming up with an idea, but that’s just one part. In order to survive in a competitive market, entrepreneurs need to have key skills that will help them navigate the entrepreneurship world.

IYC intends to pass on entrepreneurship skills such as communication, finance, networking, sales, among others to equip youths for their future.

Today at least every person should have knowledge of basic technology skills to survive and enjoy entrepreneurship or the work world.

IYC will work hand in hand with professionals to impart skills such as use of MS Word, Excel, navigating the internet among others to benefactors of the IYC project.



SEMAKULA DAVID - Business: Rabbit Farming

Semakula David is a 20-year-old youth who has excelled and profited from rabbit farming.

David grew up in a poor environment with very little dreams and hopes for the future. His family lived in a one room shack made out of papyrus reeds. It was only after David through friends’ interference got involved with I am Family Ministries as a school fees beneficiary that his mind was opened to the possibility of farming.

“I was always interested in the local legend of ‘Wakayima ‘Rabbit’ and ‘Wango’ ‘Leopard’,” he said during an interview organized during the launch of IYC on 4th March 2016, “In all the stories, the rabbit was always depicted as wiser than the leopard despite his physical limitations. This tale pushed me to find out about this rabbit.”

Eventually, David’s interest in Mr. Rabbit led him to seek information from successful rabbit farmers in order to start his own farm.

“I started with 40,000 USHS and a tiny piece of space donated by I am Family Ministries, from this I built a simple rabbit hutch and 2 rabbits which I eventually sold for a small profit,” he said.

David explained that his zeal and passion kept him going until he was able to achieve great things from the business.

“I have bought a small piece of land in Busega from rabbit farming,” he said.

David mentioned that farming doesn’t interfere with his studies because he dedicates only a maximum of 2 hours to it.

SENTONGO RONALD - Business: Handbags

Sentongo Ronald is a 20-year-old former benefactor of I am Family Ministries who makes handbags with a non-electric sewing machine.

He makes bags from leather and cloth and depending on the size and sells them at 10,000 Ushs to 50,000 Ushs.

Ronald explained during an interview at the IYC launch workshop that to start, all one needs is a sewing machine priced at 900,000 Ushs. He promised to avail himself for training youths interested in the trade.