Youth Connect

I am Youth Connect (IYC) Skills program is a life skills project initiated by I am Family, a fully registered NGO that has supported over 1000 youths around Uganda through education, healthcare, and shelter as well as talent development.

The IYC Skills program has been initiated in a bid to address the unemployment challenge as well as provide free life skills to youths that will empower them to either become job creators rather than seekers or at least have a ‘side’ project to supplement their incomes.

The IYC skills program is free and open to educated or uneducated youths aged between 10 – 20 years.

Thank you for being part of the Family. With your faithful prayers and support, God continues to work amazing miracles in this ministry. We are grateful for His provision every day – and we are grateful for you!

May God continue to bless you and yours!

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