Let’s Get Well

Self fulfillment is very important to us Americans, so after spending many years making sure that I was happy and healthy I have discovered that there is an even greater Christian endeavor. That greater endeavor is reaching out to make another person happy or healthy in Christ, saving another life both spiritually and physically. If God is rewriting your personal story, you are a fulfilled person and if God is helping you to rewrite the personal story of another- that is fulfillment at the highest level, especially if you are helping to change the trajectory of the life of a child.

Africa is exploding for Christ and our part of the explosion of faith in Africa is through the I Am Family Ministries. Recently God has provided two new schools for the children. As you know, the I Am family staff disciple, feed, and provide education and health care for the most vulnerable children in Uganda. They truly treat these children as their own.

Two weeks ago I told my 88 year old mother of the need for a new well for the second school in the remote Wabinyira area. Mom immediately said, “I will give $100 for the well, no make that $200.” My mum is a lover and supporter of God’s work around the world. Then, yesterday I was telling my new friend about Namutebi Zahara. She is the dearest of souls, who has a mother but no father, and is dearly loved by the I Am people and her sponsor.

Namutebi Zahara has been coming to America with the I Am choir to raise support for other vulnerable children since her first trip in 2010 when she was just a little one. But now, oh yes, now she is a powerful teen of God. She has impacted my life more than she will ever know, teaching me to worship God myself. So, yesterday I was telling my friend about her faith and I showed him her picture. Then he wanted to see all of my pictures of the African children. My friend pastors a small church and also owns a contracting business. I told him that we were raising money for the well, over $5,600.00 needed. He said, “my little church will give $1,000 for the well and I would like to sponsor a family. Would $100 a month help?” I replied, “Oh yes, and Kuteesa Edith, who is responsible for sponsorship, will know just the right family for you to help.”

So dear sponsors would the Holy Spirit have you help out with the well? We are just getting started with a few thousand dollars to go.

Blessings, Sponsor Steve
*Follow the link below to learn more about our well project and please share it with your friends and family! https://iamfamily.org/fundraising

Click here to make a donation today!
                                                                                                By Steve Warnock

Thank you for being part of the Family. With your faithful prayers and support, God continues to work amazing miracles in this ministry. We are grateful for His provision every day – and we are grateful for you!

May God continue to bless you and yours!

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Family news from Uganda

Dear Family, Life in Uganda is difficult. From the American side, we can only begin to imagine… Into that difficulty, complicated by the challenges of

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